Cutlerville Class A CDL

The road (OTR) companies hire West Michigan CDL graduates more than any other school, and for a good reason! They know our Class A CDL, Class B CDL, Class C CDL, or even Hazmat and Passenger CDL training programs are the most comprehensive in the Midwest. Our training is recognized as the best in the entire state for the personalized Class A CDL, Class B CDL, and Class C CDL training with experienced and respected instructors. WMCDL also employs a full-time placement staff and encourages regular campus visits by recruiters to assist students in having a job lined up before they attend their first class.

Cutlerville Class B CDL

Located in southern Kent County, Michigan – the unincorporated community of Cutlerville straddles the boundary between Byron and Gaines Townships. Cutlerville was named for the John Cutler family who owned over 312 acres. The community now supports more than 15,000 residents who regularly enjoy golf courses, parks, historic landmarks, and many churches. Whether you are ready to graduate high school or you’re tired of the same old corporate routine, choosing WMCDL for your next career path will open up a variety of once in a lifetime experiences. If this is what you’re looking for, let WMCDL put you in the driver’s seat!

Cutlerville Class C CDL

We know you want to choose the best truck driving school for your commercial driver’s license. You can hit the road knowing as a professional truck driver you are making a good living doing a job you can be proud of. WMCDL training centers prepare our students for the state Class A CDL, Class B CDL, Class C CDL, or even Hazmat and Passenger CDL exams and state licensure. We assist with job placement on a national, regional and local level. Finding the option that works best for you, whether that is a commercial hazmat CDL or long-term OTR career, your success is up to you. Call (888) 550-4947 today! West Michigan CDL will get you on the path of your driving career.
Cutlerville Class A CDL | Cutlerville Class B CDL | Cutlerville Class C CDL | Cutlerville Hazmat CDL | Cutlerville Passenger CDL


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